
Shai is 4 1/2 and he insisted I read it 4 times so he could take it all in.  He loved it and it lead to great conversation.  Many lessons and very artful and sweet!             


The special ed teachers at my school love your book!


I bought your book and read it aloud to my adult children It is precious and has a great message.


ZZZ arrived- so sweet- Illustrations wonderful!  It was inspired by love.


Zig Zag Zeph is a wonderful book!  The story is great and the illustrations are charming.  I would love to meet Zig Zag.  All cat lovers should own this book.


Zig Zag Zeph is fantastic. We have read it many times since Christmas and my 2 1/2 year old grandson is fascinated with Zeph.


Zig, Zag, Zeph has "special place" on the book table at Pencils & Paper.  This sweet story has so much to say to the children about cats, cat owners, cat lovers and disabilities. 


I got the books and I’m in love with Zeph as he is inspiring. Your book teaches a great lesson and shows everyone is different and everyone can be happy and have a wonderful life not in spite of but because of our differences. We don’t have to all be alike to be happy
